Tornado Giveaway 2: Book No. 68: WRITING BY THE WINDOW by Nivedita N

Author: Nivedita N

Read some reviews:

1. Geethanjali Tanikella 
2. Kaushal Mahesh Gupta 

The Book:

A collection of Nivedita'spoems, selected in various anthologies or resting in the mail box of her mentors. These poems include poems on our state, our relations, and most importantly our deepest emotions when we sit by the window alone but not feeling lonely.

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About The Author 

Nivedita N 

Divenita Er aka Nivedita has a couple of poems and an ebook published. Her book, Writing by the window was released in February 2015. She freelances for publications like The Hindu and Hyderabad-based Wow Magazine.

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  1. Another book of poems. Interesting! Tornado Giveaway #2 has truly brought in something different this year.

  2. What a nice title. I love poetry collections.


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