Tornado Giveaway 3: Book 3: A Time To Burnish by Radhika Nathan

Name of the Book: A Time To Burnish
Author: Radhika Nathan
Read a review:

  1. Rubina Ramesh
  2. Shreya
  3. Akshata B
The Story:

"Not too long before we can get as many of them 3-D printed."

That pretty much sums up Josh Winslow's feelings about classic artifacts. As a man of science and technology, he couldn't care less about old bronze idols. Unfortunately, his brother Tom has just made one such idol his problem.

Vidya Thyagarajan, a young banker from Chennai, didn't expect to chase the origins of old idols either. But her friend Tom has just entangled her in one such chase.

Along with Vidya, Josh reluctantly embarks on a journey to India to track the origins of a Chola bronze idol. Through the urban maze of Chennai, dusty roads of small towns in deep Chola territory, they discover clues that confounds them every step of the way.

During a short span of a week, the quest quickly becomes personal as the shadow of the past challenges their outlook toward life and love. (less)

About The Author

Radhika Nathan is a juggler, a meanderer and a rolling stone. She believes in the miracle of words and the rain. Her favourite pastimes include reading, listening to podcasts and gazing at monsoon clouds. Her taste in books is eclectic ranging from anthropology to old fashioned murder mysteries, and if pushed she would name Jane Austen as her favourite author for her believable, eternal characters. Travel is something she enjoys and has been to more than a dozen countries- for the love of meeting new people and discovering new cultures. 

Radhika writes for her fascination of human beings, intrigued by their archetypal & atypical behaviour and the differences & similarities in all of us. Writing is a means that forces her to think and re-examine a point of view or a preconceived notion. ‘I grow as a person as I write’, she says and quotes ‘A well written sentence [a rare occurrence] is like soul chocolate.’

Radhika, believes in a spiritual approach to life that welcomes science. She believes in liberty, equality, personal responsibility and fair play.

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Go to Book No. 4 >> Color Me Rich by Mohan Deep

#TornadoGiveaway is an initiative of The Book Club. Click on the icon to go to the event page of the Tornado .. Lots of fun awaits you :)

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Tornado Giveaway 3: Book 2: Feral (Many Lives Spinoff #1) by Laxmi Hariharan

Name of the Book: Feral
Author: Laxmi Hariharan
Read a review:
  1. Inderpreet Kaur Uppal 
  2. Ruchi Singh
  3. Floryie
The Story:

He was her destination. She just didn't know it. 

When Maya leaves Luke to go in search of her blood family, nothing prepares her for the secrets she uncovers about herself. 

An intense, shifter romance, set in Bombay. A standalone novella in the Many Lives universe.

About The Author

I am fascinated by the unseen in the real world and in relationships. I write fast-paced urban fantasy with a paranormal, often psychic twist. My stories feature intense love-interests, kickass heroines, moody heroes and plot lines that shock & surprise. I pull no punches and always look for what's below the surface of my characters. :) so be warned. Married to a filmmaker and fellow author, I live in London and am the proud owner of a mononym twitter handle @laxmi 

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Go to Book No.3 >>> A Time to Burnish by Radhika Nathan

#TornadoGiveaway is an initiative of The Book Club. Click on the icon to go to the event page of the Tornado .. Lots of fun awaits you :)

In Association With our Media Partners

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Tornado Giveaway 3: Book 1: The Face At the Window by Kiran Manral

Name of the Book: The Face At The Window
Author: Kiran Manral 
Read a review:

  1. Vikas Datta
  2. Ava
  3. Sukanya Venkatraghavan

The Story:

What if at the end of one’s life, one realises that one has lived out a lie?

Mrs. McNally, a retired school teacher, living alone in a cottage at the foothills of the Himalayas, has secrets that if revealed could shatter the two people she cares about the most, her daughter Millie and her grand daughter Nina.

Torn by her desire to reveal the truth that could change Millie’s life, and the need to let things continue as they are, Mrs. McNally grapples not just with ghosts from her past, but also a strange, vicious presence in her house that seems to want something from her. Will she ever find the peace that eludes her, will she be rid of this entity haunting her house and, more importantly, will she find closure? A gently nuanced, layered story that deals with the lack of identity and an eternal finding of self, The Face at the Window holds a mirror to the fears we are all afraid to voice, the fear of ageing, the fear of not belonging, and above all, the fear of having no one to love you at the end of your life.

About The Author

I went from full time journalist to full time mommy to blogger to author. My blogs, and, are both in Labnol's list of India's top blogs, but are sadly languishing neglected now. I was a blogger columnist with Tehelka Blogs on gender issues. 

I was also, professionally, India Cultural Lead and Trendspotter with CEB Iconoculture US and am currently Senior consultant with Vector Insights LLP. 

Because I spend more time than is healthy on twitter, I got listed a non celebrity 'social media star' on twitter by the Times of India and IBN Live named me as among the 30 interesting Indian women to follow on twitter and among the top 10 Indian moms to follow on twitter for 2013. Sheroes also listed me as among the top 20 women influencers on twitter in 2014. ( I am on the Planning Board of the Kumaon Literary Festival, Chair of the Women Unlimited Series of the Taj Colloquium, Mentor with and Qween and on the Advisory Board of Literature Studio.

My debut novel, The Reluctant Detective, was published by Westland in 2011. My second novel, Once Upon A Crush,published by Leadstart, was released in May 2014. My third book, All Aboard, was published by Penguin in 2015, as was Karmic Kids, my first non fiction book, published by Hay House in 2015 as well. My fourth fiction work, The Face At the Window, was published by Amaryllis in March 2016. 

Most importantly, I have recently declared my body a 100% Nutella free zone. 

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Go to Book No. 2 >> Feral (Many Lives Spinoff #1) by Laxmi Hariharan 

#TornadoGiveaway is an initiative of The Book Club. Click on the icon to go to the event page of the Tornado .. Lots of fun awaits you :)

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