Your Name : | Type of post : | Date of Post |
Inderpreet Uppal | Spotlight | 12/17/2016 |
Rohan Kachalia | Spotlight | 12/18/2016 |
Rubina Ramesh | Spotlight | 12/19/2016 |
arti | Spotlight | 12/20/2016 |
aparna | Review | 12/20/2016 |
Paulami Dutta Gupta | Review | 12/20/2016 |
Shilpa Garg | Review | 12/20/2016 |
Rubina Ramesh | GuestPost | 12/20/2016 |
Devika Fernando | Spotlight | 12/21/2016 |
arti | Review | 12/21/2016 |
Rohan Kachalia | Review | 12/21/2016 |
Sundari Venkatraman | Review | 12/21/2016 |
Nilima Mohite | Spotlight | 12/22/2016 |
Inderpreet Uppal | Review | 12/22/2016 |
Rubina Ramesh | Review | 12/22/2016 |
Rubina Ramesh | Interview | 12/22/2016 |
vasrao | Spotlight | 12/23/2016 |
Nilima Mohite | Review | 12/23/2016 |
Ruchira Khanna | Review | 12/23/2016 |
Inderpreet Uppal | GuestPost | 12/23/2016 |
Lata Sunil | Spotlight | 12/23/2016 |
Devika Fernando | Spotlight | 12/23/2016 |
Bhavya | Spotlight | 12/23/2016 |
Chittajit Mitra | Spotlight | 12/24/2016 |
Ruchi Singh | Spotlight | 12/24/2016 |
Sunita Saldhana | Review | 12/24/2016 |
Bhavya | Review | 12/24/2016 |
Schedule: Shadowed Promise by Sunanda Chatterjee
Blog Tour: SHADOWED PROMISE by Sunanda Chatterjee
From riots in Bombay to the riches of Beverly hills...
From riots in Bombay to the riches of Beverly hills...
Sunanda Chatterjee
Moyna’s cousin panted at the doorway, heavy with child. “Who did this to you?” her father shouted. And Moyna knew that somehow she would be blamed for this unspeakable shame on the family. Her aunt blamed her for all the tragedies, from the death of Moyna’s own parents to the riots in Bombay. But, as her cousin lay dying of stab wounds, Moyna promised to protect the baby.
In a panic, eighteen-year-old Moyna made a hasty decision that would return to haunt her years later.
Bullied as a child, Sameer wants to make the world a safer place. He has spurned a cushy career in his father’s law firm for public service. Sameer is drawn to the mysterious Moyna when they meet in Los Angeles. The attraction seems mutual, but Moyna remains cautious and secretive about her past, insulating herself from love to protect others from her unlucky curse.
At the cusp of political victory, Sameer faces increasing gun violence and death threats leading to an FBI investigation. But his greatest challenge comes when a shadow from Moyna’s past threatens to destroy their future.
What hope do they have with the media hungering for a scandal?
A story of friendship, redemption, and forgiveness, “Shadowed Promise” is a journey from blind faith to triumphant love.
Read an excerpt of #SP here:
Sameer chased after Moyna as she opened the side-door to the stairwell. When the door nearly swung shut, he stuck in his foot and opened it again. She had already reached the landing, so he took the stairs two at a time. “Moyna, I wanted to say congratulations!”
Her face glowed in the cardinal and gold graduation gown. A low pony swung below the cap, the tassels of which hung at her cheek. She looked happy. She smiled at him, for a moment, without holding back. Her smile was dazzling in its brilliance. Why didn’t she smile more?
She said, “Was that all you wanted?”
He grinned. You have no idea what I want! “I was thinking… now that you’ve graduated, maybe we can take this to the next level.”
She stared at him. “Sameer, I have a lot of baggage. There are things about my past… I can never tell you.”
“I don’t care about the past. I want to know if there’s any hope of a future for us.”
She sighed, a sorrowful, regretful sigh that turned his heart cold, as if she had slapped him on his face. She would never let him into her heart. But she said, “You’ll never be satisfied with what I can offer.”
You’ve offered me nothing before! He put his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “As long as you’re giving me all you can offer. Moyna, you have no idea what you make me feel. Just be with me. With time, you’ll trust me enough to let me into that wonderful heart of yours.”
She stared with those hypnotic eyes. Her lip trembled a little. And he had no doubt she felt the same way. He drew her closer, held her face, and pressed his lips to hers, as her cap fell to the floor.
Her lips felt petal soft against his, her arms on his back felt like chains from which he never wanted freedom. His hands roved over her neck and back and came to rest on her hips. The smell of her perfume, her breath, the feel of her skin against his, intoxicated him.
Above and below them, footsteps of students echoed in the stairwell. He hungered for breath, but couldn’t let go. She seemed to melt in his arms as she clung to him, teasing his hair, and raking his back.
When she pulled away, he wondered what year it was.
She was panting.
He watched his reflection dance in her eyes and it felt so right. That’s all he wanted. Her image in his eyes, and his in hers. Nothing else mattered. “I … I think I’m in love with you.”
He felt her stiffen as she took a step back. Did I say something wrong? Her expression was inexplicable. Her lips trembled, her eyes moistened, and it seemed that every fiber of her body wanted to be with him.
And yet he heard her saying, “I can’t do this!” She turned away and darted down the corridor toward her room.
He chased after her and grabbed her wrist. “I don’t understand. Is there someone else?”
She whirled around to face him, eyes wild with panic. “What? Yes. Yes, there’s someone else!”
She tried to wrench her hand free, but he tightened his grip. “Who? Karan? How come I’ve never met him?”
She stopped struggling. “You’ll never understand. Please, Sameer, I can’t be with you. Walk away from me. For your own good. It’s best for both of us.”
“I don’t believe it.” He jabbed his finger at the stairwell. “Just a minute ago you were kissing me. Tell me it meant nothing to you!”
He saw a sparkle of tears in her eyes and his face softened. “Moyna, look into my eyes and tell me you don’t love me.”
She didn’t say anything. He wrapped her into a powerful embrace and kissed her, tasting the tears on her cheeks. He shivered as her hands snaked below his arms and ran up his back, hooking around his shoulders; she clung to him, and their bodies molded into each other.
He felt the warmth of her breath, her skin, and her flesh, and knew he never wanted to be with anyone else. After a moment’s hesitation, she kissed him back, sending his head spinning.
He lifted her off her feet with ease and pinned her against the wall. She wrapped her arms around his neck and nipped at his lips, as his hand found her breast. Control was out of the question. The fire of that raw desire burnt any logic he had left. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.
And then she struggled out of his embrace. A sharp pain pierced through his numbed consciousness when she stamped on his shoe with her three inch heel. He winced and hopped on one foot.
Panting, she glared at him and scrubbed her mouth. Then she pushed against him with both her hands, her eyes brimming with angry tears. “You arrogant, presumptuous, selfish bastard! Just because you’ve never been refused anything in your life, you think you can go about taking what’s not yours.”
Confused, he frowned and took a step toward her as she backed into the wall. “But you’re mine, Moyna!”
She gave a scornful laugh. “Your wealth means nothing to me. Your beauty means nothing to me. You’ll never be like Karan. Karan was brave, noble and selfless. You’re nothing!”
Sameer stepped back, his mind in turmoil. She hates me. Her dalliance with him had been a farce. The last three years had been a lie. He rubbed his forehead, stunned. “Wh…”
She yelled in a shaking voice, “Do you hear me? You mean nothing to me! Leave me alone.”
He clenched his fists, turned on his heel, and walked away, his steps booming in the quiet corridor, as his future with her vanished into oblivion.
Grab your copy @
About the author
Freelance author, blogger, and ex-Indian Air Force physician Sunanda Joshi Chatterjee completed her graduate studies in Los Angeles, where she is a practicing pathologist. While medicine is her profession, writing is her passion. When she’s not at the microscope making diagnoses, she loves to write fiction. Her life experiences have taught her that no matter how different people are, their desires, fears, and challenges remain the same.
Her themes include romantic sagas, family dramas, immigrant experience, women’s issues, medicine, and spirituality. She loves extraordinary love stories and heartwarming tales of duty and passion. Her short stories have appeared in and
She grew up in Bhilai, India, and lives in Arcadia, California with her husband and two wonderful children. In her free time, she paints, reads, sings, goes on long walks, and binge-watches TV crime dramas.
Stalk her @
Schedule: Knitted Tales by Rubina Ramesh
Your Name : | Type of post : | Date |
Aparajita Dutta | Spotlight | 12/15/2016 |
arti | Spotlight | 12/16/2016 |
Inderpreet Uppal | Spotlight | 12/17/2016 |
Summerita | Spotlight | 12/18/2016 |
Geeta Nair | Spotlight | 12/19/2016 |
MAHESH SOWANI | Review | 12/19/2016 |
Sundari Venkatraman | Spotlight | 12/20/2016 |
Paulami Dutta Gupta | Review | 12/20/2016 |
Rohan Kachalia | Spotlight | 12/21/2016 |
Nilima Mohite | Review | 12/21/2016 |
Lopa Banerjee | Spotlight | 12/22/2016 |
Rohan Kachalia | Review | 12/22/2016 |
arti | Review | 12/22/2016 |
Nikita Jhanglani | Review | 12/22/2016 |
Inderpreet Uppal | Interview | 12/22/2016 |
Surbhi Sareen | Guest Post | 12/22/2016 |
vasrao | Book Review | 12/22/2016 |
Chittajit Mitra | Spotlight | 12/23/2016 |
Summerita | Review | 12/23/2016 |
Devika Fernando | Review | 12/23/2016 |
Parichita | Review | 12/23/2016 |
Summerita | Interview | 12/23/2016 |
Dhivya Balaji / Readers Muse | Guest Post | 12/23/2016 |
Vidya Sury | Book Review | 12/23/2016 |
Lata Sunil | Spotlight | 12/24/2016 |
Surbhi Sareen | Review | 12/24/2016 |
Jasleen Kaur | Review | 12/24/2016 |
Dhivya Balaji / Readers Muse | Review | 12/24/2016 |
Paromita Goswami | Interview | 12/24/2016 |
Geeta Nair | Guest Post | 12/24/2016 |
Madhuri Maitra | Book Review | 12/24/2016 |
Jasleen Kaur | Review | 12/25/2016 |
Lopa Banerjee | Review | 12/25/2016 |
Mayuri Nidigallu | Review | 12/25/2016 |
Ruchi Singh | Review | 12/25/2016 |
Niharika | Guest Post | 12/25/2016 |
Sundari Venkatraman | Guest Post | 12/25/2016 |
Anks | Review | 12/26/2016 |
Meenakshi | Review | 12/26/2016 |
Shilpa Garg | Review | 12/26/2016 |
Summerita | Guest Post | 12/26/2016 |
Shilpi Chaklanobis | Guest Post | 12/26/2016 |
aparna | Review | 12/27/2016 |
Niharika | Review | 12/27/2016 |
Aparajita Dutta | Interview | 12/27/2016 |
Nilima Mohite | Guest Post | 12/27/2016 |
Sunita Saldhana | Book Review | 12/27/2016 |
A Collection of Emotions
A Collection of Emotions
What forces an innocent girl to become a sex symbol? Her desires? Or cruel fate?
Is a lifetime enough—for avenging a betrayal? How do you hide secrets that never stopped haunting you?
Can vengeance and secrets of your past devastate your present? How can long-buried crimes of yours suddenly raise their head? Can sinning be saving?
Is your spouse your soulmate? What if they never understood your feelings? Can you still live with them?
Lastly, does life give only two options? Live or die? What if there is a third?
In her debut anthology, Rubina Ramesh tries to find answers to these questions that are often from the heart and yet makes the mind ponder over the solution. Or is it the other way round? Either way, Knitted Tales is a bouquet of emotions that is bound to touch both your head and your heart.
Grab your copy @
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About the author
Rubina Ramesh is an avid reader, writer, blogger, book reviewer and marketer. She is the founder of The Book Club, an online book publicity group. Her first literary work was published in her school magazine. It gave her immense pride to see her own name at the bottom of the article. She was about 8 years old at that time. She then went to complete her MBA and after her marriage to her childhood friend, her travel saga started. From The Netherlands to the British Isles she lived her life like an adventure. After a short stint in Malaysia, she finally settled down in the desert state of USA, Arizona. Living with her DH and two human kids and one doggie kid, Rubina has finally started living the life she had always dreamed about – that of a writer.
Her other published works include:
'Home is where Love is’ a short story in the anthology Writings from the Heart. Ed. by Beth Ann Masarik.
‘You Stole My Heart’ and ‘Let me Go’. Short stories as a part of the anthology Long and Short of It by Indireads.
'Wake Me Up' as a part of the anthology Marijuana Diaries by Fablery Publishers.
You can stalk her @
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Tornado Giveaway 3: Book No. 43: HALF A SHADOW by Anurag Shourie
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Name of the book: Half a Shadow Author: Anurag Shourie |
Read some reviews:
1. Saheli Chatterjee
2. Reetwika Banerjee
3. S.K. Sharma
The Story:
Three deaths - a beautiful bride, a young businessman, and a famous doctor.
Crime arises from its protracted slumber in Udaipur, and the City of Lakes finally sheds its veil of tranquillity.
Trapped in the heart of the mayhem, is Dr. Aditya Deshmukh, a quintessential loser.
In order to redeem himself and wrench his soul free of the guilt of a
‘murder most foul,’ he has to find the missing links between Abraham and Sarasvati, Abhimanyu and Sumitra, Yasser Arafat and Vladimir Putin.
The body count continues to rise as Aditya gropes in the darkness.
Hunted by an enemy he can’t see, devoured by a love he can’t consummate, and guided by a friend he can’t trust, he is caught up in a race against time where he can’t afford to be the runner-up…
You can buy the book @
Check out all the books of Tornado here
About The Author
A poet at heart, a writer by choice and an anesthesiologist by default. He has degrees in medicine and hospital administration in his kit, but love for the written word in his soul. An ardent Ruskin Bond fan, his hobbies include music and sports which he pursues with equal fervour. He is presently employed with a multinational Clinical Research Organization. He can be reached at His poetic wares are on display at his
Go to Book No. 44 >> More Than Just Desire by Summerita Rhayne
#TornadoGiveaway is an initiative of The Book Club. Click on the icon to go to the event page of the Tornado .. Lots of fun awaits you :)
In Association With our Media Partners

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Name of the book: Changeling: An Appalachian Magic Novel Author: Debbie Herbert |
1. Stephen Walton
2. Katie Rogers
3. Andrea Heltsley
The Story:
She thought she was a witch...she's more.
Skye's a young witch who sucks at spells and works at a metaphysical store, The Green Fairy. Strange things are happening there at night: black specks of movement out of the corner of her eye, mysterious buzzing noises, unidentified dragonfly-like carcasses in the basement, and a hidden cache of absinthe (aka fairy crack).
Kheelan is a human changeling. Raised with the fairies, he's viewed as an inferior species whose only use is to serve his kidnappers. He's been totally screwed by the Fae and his only goal in life is freedom. When he meets Skye, he sees an opportunity to escape. The last thing he needs is to be distracted by feelings for this quirky witch.
***This is a complete novel at approximately 75,000 words.*** Although this is the second in the series, it can be read as a stand-alone novel. Charmed and Dangerous is the first in the series.
Skye's a young witch who sucks at spells and works at a metaphysical store, The Green Fairy. Strange things are happening there at night: black specks of movement out of the corner of her eye, mysterious buzzing noises, unidentified dragonfly-like carcasses in the basement, and a hidden cache of absinthe (aka fairy crack).
Kheelan is a human changeling. Raised with the fairies, he's viewed as an inferior species whose only use is to serve his kidnappers. He's been totally screwed by the Fae and his only goal in life is freedom. When he meets Skye, he sees an opportunity to escape. The last thing he needs is to be distracted by feelings for this quirky witch.
***This is a complete novel at approximately 75,000 words.*** Although this is the second in the series, it can be read as a stand-alone novel. Charmed and Dangerous is the first in the series.
You can buy the book @
Debbie Herbert writes paranormal romance novels reflecting her belief that love, like magic, casts its own spell of enchantment. She’s always been fascinated by magic, romance and gothic stories.
Married and living in Alabama, she roots for the Crimson Tide football team. Unlike the mermaid characters in Siren’s Secret, she loves cats and has two spoiled feline companions. When not working on her upcoming book, Siren’s Treasure, Debbie enjoys recumbent bicycling and motorcycle riding with her husband.
A past Maggie finalist in both Young Adult & Paranormal Romance, she’s a member of the Georgia Romance Writers of America. Debbie has a degree in English (Berry College, GA) and a master’s in Library Studies (University of Alabama).
Married and living in Alabama, she roots for the Crimson Tide football team. Unlike the mermaid characters in Siren’s Secret, she loves cats and has two spoiled feline companions. When not working on her upcoming book, Siren’s Treasure, Debbie enjoys recumbent bicycling and motorcycle riding with her husband.
A past Maggie finalist in both Young Adult & Paranormal Romance, she’s a member of the Georgia Romance Writers of America. Debbie has a degree in English (Berry College, GA) and a master’s in Library Studies (University of Alabama).
Check out all the books of Tornado here
#TornadoGiveaway is an initiative of The Book Club. Click on the icon to go to the event page of the Tornado .. Lots of fun awaits you :)
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Tornado Giveaway 3: Book No. 44: MORE THAN JUST DESIRE by Summerita Rhayne
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Name of the book: More Than Just Desire Author: Summerita Rhayne |
1. Floryie BL
2. Preethi Venugopala
3. Rubina Ramesh
The Story:
The Bollywood diva who ran away
Piya walked out of an explosive situation three years ago. She married Arfaaz for security but left him facing chaos she created. Now she's back in Bollywood and searching for the crown she gave up when she ran away. In the competitive world of starry glamour, the only way she can begin her career anew is to trash the past and get a divorce.
The man who wants her atonement
Arfaaz is determined to get his revenge on Piya for making a farce of their marriage and leaving him to face the mudslinging. He forces her to keep up the appearances and stay with him so she can play the loving wife and repent on her sins. But Piya drives him crazy with her antics. On the top of that, the attraction between them sizzles and threatens to make him forget reason.
A passionate conflict
Piya knows she has lessons to learn but she cannot let this man enter her heart. There is too much to risk and she cannot afford to forget the real reason she has come back. Success is her mantra and her worship. She can be faithful to only her goal...
Piya walked out of an explosive situation three years ago. She married Arfaaz for security but left him facing chaos she created. Now she's back in Bollywood and searching for the crown she gave up when she ran away. In the competitive world of starry glamour, the only way she can begin her career anew is to trash the past and get a divorce.
The man who wants her atonement
Arfaaz is determined to get his revenge on Piya for making a farce of their marriage and leaving him to face the mudslinging. He forces her to keep up the appearances and stay with him so she can play the loving wife and repent on her sins. But Piya drives him crazy with her antics. On the top of that, the attraction between them sizzles and threatens to make him forget reason.
A passionate conflict
Piya knows she has lessons to learn but she cannot let this man enter her heart. There is too much to risk and she cannot afford to forget the real reason she has come back. Success is her mantra and her worship. She can be faithful to only her goal...
You can buy the book @
Summerita Rhayne writes sensual romance which is sheer escapism with lots of emotional conflict. She first got published in 2013 and has won contests with prestigious publishers such as Harlequin and Harper Collins India. Writing, she finds, is the only way to deal with the numerous story ideas bubbling in her brain which pop up more rapidly than her keyboard can do justice to. Her pet belief is that even when writing time is in short supply, if the inspiration is strong enough, the story characters get a life of their own and will find a way to make the writer pen them down. When cerebrally confronted with the sizzling interaction of two Alpha characters, the only way to get peace is write their book!
At heart, she's a family person and even though she loves her medical teaching profession, she happily becomes a homemaker when not at work. She loves winding down with music, movies, cricket (strictly watching only) and social networking.
At heart, she's a family person and even though she loves her medical teaching profession, she happily becomes a homemaker when not at work. She loves winding down with music, movies, cricket (strictly watching only) and social networking.
Check out all the books of Tornado here
Go to Book No. 45 >> Changeling: An Appalachian Magic Novel (Appalachian Magic series, #2) by Debbie Herbert
#TornadoGiveaway is an initiative of The Book Club. Click on the icon to go to the event page of the Tornado .. Lots of fun awaits you :)
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Tornado Giveaway 3: Book No. 42: SHADOW IN THE MIRROR by Deepti Menon
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Name of the book: Shadow in the Mirror Author: Deepti Menon |
The Story:
It all begins with a death. Nita, a pregnant woman falling from her balcony becomes the string that unravels the plot. Her death casts a shadow over many lives; her heartbroken father, her husband and Vinny, a young journalist, drawn in by the whiff of foul play and murder.
What follows are stories within stories, eras and worlds colliding with each other, leaving behind splintered relationships and mesmerizing slices of lives that appear to be drawn together and driven apart by the whimsical threads of destiny.
As events cast their shadows ahead to link the stories of Vinny, Kavita, Roma, Krish and Nita in an unrelenting knot, a journey starts to uncover the truth. What is the secret that links Nita’s death to the other characters? Will Vinny be able to unravel the mystery of Nita’s death?
From intimate diary entries and letters, to bantering over a meal and sharing memories while spring cleaning, this novel de-familiarizes the ordinary, presenting a kaleidoscope of our own pasts, broken edges and pulsating hearts.
What follows are stories within stories, eras and worlds colliding with each other, leaving behind splintered relationships and mesmerizing slices of lives that appear to be drawn together and driven apart by the whimsical threads of destiny.
As events cast their shadows ahead to link the stories of Vinny, Kavita, Roma, Krish and Nita in an unrelenting knot, a journey starts to uncover the truth. What is the secret that links Nita’s death to the other characters? Will Vinny be able to unravel the mystery of Nita’s death?
From intimate diary entries and letters, to bantering over a meal and sharing memories while spring cleaning, this novel de-familiarizes the ordinary, presenting a kaleidoscope of our own pasts, broken edges and pulsating hearts.
Deepti Menon has always believed in the power of the pen. Having done her post graduation in English Literature and her B.Ed. in English, she had the option of teaching and writing, and did both with great enjoyment. She started writing at the age of ten, long before she acquired a Diploma in Journalism. She also had the advantage of being an Army kid, and later an Army wife, and loved the idea of travelling around India, meeting new people and acquiring new skills. She firmly believes that much of her personality was honed during those travels.
In 2002, her light hearted book, ‘Arms and the Woman’, depicting life as seen through the eyes of an Army wife, was published by Rupa Publishers, Delhi. This was written mainly to reveal the warmth and camaraderie within the great institution. She is now working on her second book that is a work of fiction, and not- to-be divulged yet!
In 2002, her light hearted book, ‘Arms and the Woman’, depicting life as seen through the eyes of an Army wife, was published by Rupa Publishers, Delhi. This was written mainly to reveal the warmth and camaraderie within the great institution. She is now working on her second book that is a work of fiction, and not- to-be divulged yet!
Go to Book No. 43 >> Half A Shadow by Anurag Shourie
#TornadoGiveaway is an initiative of The Book Club. Click on the icon to go to the event page of the Tornado .. Lots of fun awaits you :)
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